Sea Level 2080 (open source)
IN RESPONSE TO THE CLIMATE CRISIS “Sea Level 2080” was open-sourced as part of Micro Galleries “Global Day of Creative Action” to coincide with the UN Climate Summit on September 21-23, 2019. Installations happened on 4 continents and many states in the US. Artists/students/activists/people participated by staking fabric out any place where sea level is expected to rise to by 2080. Alternately, people created demonstrations, actions and performances by holding or walking fabric through a public place where sea level rise will have an impact.
People staking out the fabric were given a suggested height of 29 inches (or 74 cm) above current sea level to shoot for, the average of the current predictions for where sea level might rise to by the year 2080. For performances, actions and demonstrations, the fabric works more symbolically and metaphorically.
Developed with support from the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, the Ford Family Foundation, and the Oregon Arts Commission (contact artist for all photo credits)
Installation, Gaza, Palestine